Friday, May 26, 2006

I'm still around!!
The end of the semester has left me a little too breathless to blog. I've now just finished teaching my first spring semester intensive course and am getting ready (once I mark the final exams) to teach the second. (Note to self: never do this back-to-back again!) In the meantime, when I'm not teaching, preparing lectures, marking, or sleeping, I'm amusing myself by watching again the third season of Buffy (which just keeps getting better with each viewing) and following the Edmonton Oilers' quest for the Cup. This July I head to Calvin College to participate in their summer Seminars in Christian Scholarship program. I'm also preparing for that, in-between the other stuff, by reading Bill Cavanaugh's Torture and Eucharist, which I highly recommend (though not while watching Buffy).

BTW I have serious DVD envy: the complete Buffy set has recently been released. Maybe that extra money from extra teaching...

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